Paul Gallant spent many hours, many days, his life, serving us by figuring out the lies & by proving to us that we were not guilty of anything, but our love of Freedom…
Dr. Paul Gallant, Second Amendment Defender & AmmoLand Contributor Dies

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Paul Gallant spent many hours, many days, his life, serving us by figuring out the lies & by proving to us that we were not guilty of anything, but our love of Freedom…
Every time there has been a mass public shooting, governments lose no time in enacting massive new restrictions which seek to disarm all peaceable civilians…
It must be embarrassing for British firearm-prohibitionists to see their philosophy failing in their own backyard, especially in view of their intense desire to export that philosophy to other nations around the globe…
In 1997, a restrictive firearms law virtually banned handguns in Britain. Crime rose rapidly, but then, according to government figures, crime began to fall. Is this really so???
To hide the facts from its citizens, and from the rest of the world, the British government has been working overtime, by fudging the statistics…
That United Nation’s perspective is foolish: the benefits of private firearm ownership far outweigh the costs. And it’s not just Americans who know that…
They said “it can’t happen here.” But increasingly, many of our fellow Americans are just now realizing how close we are to tyranny. It’s no longer about just a piece of the Constitution…
Many American gun-owners are intimidated or confused about their ownership because of the widespread propaganda telling them that we firearm owners are deranged demons, liars, or at best, ignorant…
We need to get the truth out about the roots of violent behavior. And part of that truth is that the global drug policy is a large part of the problem…
How many American civilian gun-owners are out there, and can we be disarmed by our politicians???
A sweeping federal review of the nation’s gun control laws, including mandatory waiting periods and bans on certain weapons, found no proof such measures reduce firearm violence. Yet politicians and the media keep lying..
The fact of the matter is that if UNSC embargoes worked in practice, there would be no need for an ATT, as it is would amount to nothing more than another layer of arms embargoes…
With the knowledge that total civilian disarmament–and government monopoly of force–is the ultimate goal, it is imperative that we watch RevCon 2012 with extreme scrutiny and skepticism.
When someone lies to you, you’d better beware. Lies are told to manipulate people into doing things or supporting laws or philosophies they wouldn’t ordinarily do if they knew the facts.
On Friday afternoon, July 27, 2012, Arms Trade Treaty talks collapsed at U.N. headquarters in New York City.
We have mined documents that show that privately owned small arms and ammunition clearly looks to be included in the ATT agreement.
No matter how “strong” ATT’s language, it will fail very simply because it’s a foolish idea, concocted with fantasies that cannot work.
Evil people, no matter where they are found, have violent tendencies: they tend to turn on others, as the recent mass murder in the Century 16 Theater in Aurora, Colorado, shows.
This pie-in-the-sky dream of the weapons-prohibitionists will cost money! Lots of it and all of it from USA taxpayers.
Global gun banners are desperate to have President Obama sign the ATT before the November election.
We need to understand that, guided by lying proponents of the Arms Trade Treaty, we are rapidly becoming one small island on a globe where the norm is strict arms regulation leading to disarmament.
Two papers provide carefully documented proof that ratification of an international treaty can occur —and can be made binding to U.S. citizens— without any Senate action at all.
There is one very real loophole that almost no one talks about, or even recognizes. And it lies in the U.S. Constitution.
It is of great concern to ATT proponents that the final negotiating conference in July 2012 not get bogged down, that’s because the Treaty may not be ready in time if Obama is a one-term president.
The big lie is that the violence has been fostered, not by the presence of weapons, but by the UN itself. It is a lie both by omission, and a lie by the deliberate confusion and misuse of statistics.
We predict that a global Arms Trade Treaty will come into force late this year. Diplomats are currently preparing for a final negotiating conference, to be held at the UN between July 2 and July 27, 2012…
740,000 People die, each year, from “armed violence” claims The 2008 GBAV Report…