Jason Miyares has been Virginia’s Attorney General for three and a half years now, and for gun owners, his time in office has been somewhat disappointing.
Philip Van Cleave
Lessons Learned, Deadly Fairfax County, VA. Police Officer Justified Self-Defense Shooting After Knife Attack ~ VIDEO
In a desperate act of self-defense, Officer Liu discharged his firearm 3 times, fatally wounding the knife-wielding Wilson. What strategic self-defense lessons can we learn from this tragic event?
VA AG Sets Record Straight: No In-Person Training Proof Needed When Renewing Gun Carry Permits
The Virginia Attorney General has just set the record straight: there is NO requirement to show previous in-person training when renewing a CHP.
VA Governor Youngkin Vetoes 30 Gun-Control Bills, Major Defeat for Gun Banners
Gun-control took it on the chin as VA Governor Youngkin stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Virginia’s lawful gun-owners!
Virginia Alert: Remind Governor Youngkin Multiple Anti-Gun Bills Need VETO
Take action: You have the power to stop this insanity & send a strong message to the Democrats: punish violent criminals & leave the rights of law-abiding citizens alone.
Virginia Democrats in General Assembly Continue Rampage to Destroy Gun Rights
Democrats continue their rampage against Virginia’s gun owners & the 2nd amendment. While Republicans continue to fight for us. Votes in committee and subcommittee were all along party lines.
Dominion Energy Betrays Gun Owners with Dark Monies!
The real treachery here is by Dominion Energy for providing money used to put out phony “pro-gun” ads aimed at suppressing the vote of gun owners for Glen Youngkin.
Virginia Citizens Defense League Statement on Lobby Day 2021, January 18th 2021
Lobby Day is on track for this Monday, January 18. Lobby Day in 2021 is like all our other previous Lobby Days – we are peacefully lobbying to protect our rights, we are not protesting anything.
“No Guns” Signs Posted Around Virginia Capitol Area In Richmond ~ Deception
The intent of the signs posted by the city of Richmond, VA is to purposely mislead gun owners so they don’t lawfully carry legal weapons in that area.
What Happened To All the Ammo? ~ 9mm? – 223? – 5.56? – 300BLK?
What Happened To All the Ammo? A perfect storm has basically made cheap ammunition as scarce as hen’s teeth…
Virginia Counties Pass NO-Gun Control Resolutions, Southampton Ahead of the Curve
Southampton County was a late adopter of their Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution and had the foreknowledge that localities might be able to pass their own local gun-control.
Virginia: Bowling Pin Shoot to Benefit VCDL set for July 11 2020 in Louisa County!
This Bowling Pin match is going to benefit the Virginia Citizens Defense League in the fight for our right to keep and bear arms.
Virginia: Bloomberg Protest at Nauticus this Friday! Be There!
Tell Bloomberg that you support the Second Amendment and you don’t want him or any of his paid-for cronies in the Virginia General Assembly to take away your rights.
Virginia: Get Your Elected Local Officials To Join Us On Lobby Day!
For all VA residents in sanctuary counties, cities, or towns, please contact your local elected officials (supervisors & sheriffs) & encourage all of them to join us in Richmond on Monday, January 20
Virginia Governor Northam’s Lobby Day Gun Ban, Don’t Take The Bait
The Democrats are afraid of the voters and want to portray this peaceful assembly of law-abiding gun owners in the worst possible way. They would love for it to degenerate to violence, rioting.
Virginia: How You Can Help With Lobbying the General Assembly Starting Jan. 8 2020
Virginia: How You Can Help With Lobbying the General Assembly Starting Jan. 8 2020
Virginia: Important Statement about VCDL Capital Lobby Day, Jan 20th 2020
Monday, January 20, is Virginia Citizens Defense League’s capital Lobby Day. It is not VCDL’s Protest Day. There is a distinct difference between the two.
VA: VCDL’s Position On Gun Control & “Compromise”- Screw “Grandfathering”
Once passed into law, gun controllers hope that gun owners will go back to sleep so the gun-control agenda can keep moving forward without massive opposition.
Virginia: 2A Sanctuary Meetings – Updates, Corrections, Additions – 12/7/19
Prince William County to vote on Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution on December 10, 2019, but the new supervisor, Democrat Ann Wheeler, vows to repeal any resolution.
Virginia Second Amendment Sanctuary Hearings/Votes The Week Of 12/9 – 12/13/19 ~VIDEO
Second Amendment Sanctuary hearings are overflowing (YEA!), so bring warm clothing as you might have to stand outside. Please stay & keep the attendance numbers up until the end of the sanctuary heari
VA: Two More Sanctuaries Counties, Two Punts, & One Delay On Wednesday Night – VIDEOS
The Augusta County Sheriff estimated about 1,800 people attended, including overflow outside! Unanimous vote for the resolution. Only 3 people refused a Guns Save Lives sticker.
VCDL President Speaking at 2A Rally at Virginia Capitol on December 9th
Governor Northam and his band of gun snatchers have proposed legislation for the 2020 session that would make law-abiding gun owners felons by July 2020.
Virginia Is Now In the Path of Second Amendment Sanctuary Tsunami
So far we have 7 brand new 2A Sanctuary Counties in Virginia: Charlotte, Campbell, Carroll, Appomattox, Patrick, Pittsylvania, & Dinwiddie County. All so far have passed unanimously!
Roanoke County VA. Lowers CHP Fees, But Not Nearly As Much As They Should Have
The Board lowered the CHP fee from $50 to $40, instead of to $25. The County is putting the extra $15 in the General Fund, like it would a tax.
Virginia: Attorney General Mark Herring Calls For Ammunition Restrictions
What is it about politicians who admit to wearing blackface? All are trying to divert attention from their past by pushing gun control.
What To Do If Approached About Carrying A Firearm In A Store
I have been conferring with one of Virginia Citizens Defense League’s attorneys and offer this general advice if approached by a store employee and/or the police while carrying in a business.
Man Banned from Every Walmart Store for Legal Open Carry ~ VIDEOS
Someone open carrying a handgun was approached by police and asked to sign a trespass document saying he acknowledges being banned for Walmart property anywhere in the U.S., indefinitely.
Virginia: Woman Shoots Herself Trying to Comply with Gun Laws
A Springfield Virginia woman is facing charges after she shot herself with her own gun while attending a sporting event at a local high school.
Fairfax County, VA. PD Fixes A Problem With Returning Guns To Owners
He had to go to the hospital in an ambulance. He turned his firearm over to an FCPD officer for safekeeping. That’s when things ran off the tracks.
Blacksburg, VA Denies Pro-Gun Group a Booth at Steppin’ Out Night
It is no secret that the organization that runs the annual Steppin’ Out festival in Blacksburg, DBI, has been trying to ban guns and keep Virginia Citizens Defense League from having a presence.