The electronic version of TSRA-PAC’s General Election Voter’s Guide is posted at The electronic version contains recent updates…
Texas General Election Voter’s Guide Now Online

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
The electronic version of TSRA-PAC’s General Election Voter’s Guide is posted at The electronic version contains recent updates…
GOA’s Political Victory Fund has thrown its full support behind Steve Lonegan for U.S. Senate. Make sure you get out there and vote on October 16th 2013 in the Special Election and vote for Steve Lonegan…
VCDL-PAC is proud to endorse the following slate of candidates for the Virginia House of Delegates in 2013…
Our endorsement is based upon his background as a firearms instructor, as well as his strong commitment to the preservation of Second Amendment civil rights…
Take Back Maryland PAC, the state’s premier 2nd Amendment Defense PAC is now fully recognized as a Maryland Political Action Committee…
CEO & Founder, Justin Moon, feels strongly that educating society & voters regarding the history & background of the Second Amendment is crucial to the survival of our nation…
It’s official . . . President Obama and Sen. Dianne Feinstein are now one step closer to victory in their war against responsible, law-abiding gun owners…
Anti-gun, anti-industry politicians and bureaucrats will do anything to put honest, hardworking and law-abiding firearms retailers out of business and destroy America’s firearms industry and our firearms freedoms…
As was done in the 2010 congressional elections the NRA-ILA’s Grassroots Division once again deployed Campaign Field Representatives to targeted states and districts across the country…
Senator Jim Tomes is a true friend of the Second Amendment and a staunch supporter of our firearm rights. NRA members, gun owners, hunters, and shooters in Indiana should contact Sen. Tomes…
MSSA has never before taken this large of a legislative bite. We’re REALLY depending you folks to help us successfully push these issues. With 20 bills introduced, things will happen vast and furious once the legislature convenes….
Sharron Angle is strongly supported by Gun Owners of America Political Victory Fund, earning an “A” rating from GOA for her unwavering work defending the Second Amendment..
Kansas Pheasant Hunt With Kris Kobach
Arizona Citizens Defense League Announces AzCDL Political Action Committee
ISRA Fed Pac – New Illinois Pro-Gun Group Needs Your Help