President Donald Trump has been able to move swiftly to push a pro-gun rights agenda is by exercising the president’s constitutional authority to appoint federal judges.
Mystery has recently shrouded the history of 1875, as the fight over the Supreme Court vacancy left by the late Antonin Scalia continues.
Politicians are like children. Just as a child doesn’t change his behavior if he is never disciplined, neither do politicians if you don’t tell them they screwed up by voting for Loretta Lynch…
Mitch McConnell leads the betrayal, joins with Harry Reid to support Lynch Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and his leadership team put a big, fat knife in the back of gun owners…
Even John McCain, who is far from a strong proponent of the right to keep and bear arms said: “no Republican should vote for her confirmation”…
When asked about Barack Obama’s anti-gun push, the universal background check/gun registry, she claimed not to really know anything about it. Which leads to one of two conclusions…
President Obama’s nominee for Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, has failed to demonstrate in her testimony a willingness to exert independence from the White House when applying the laws of the land…
Auden Grogins is no friend of the Second Amendment, and who knows how far she would go with her anti-gun rhetoric as a Superior Court judge….
Time will tell if Dr. Murthy was honest & sincere at his nomination hearing. In the meantime, the confirmation of yet another Obama anti-gun nominee is a bitter pill for liberty-loving Americans…
It is damned stupid to tolerate those who call us names. And it is inconsistent with the free future of our kids if we gun owners can’t unify behind staunch freedom loving politicians…
The office of Surgeon General, once an honor given to physicians who have distinguished themselves in their field, has now become nothing more than electoral “payback” to a political hack…
B. Todd Jones received the ceremonial oath–of–office as Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives administered by Vice President Joe Biden today, 10 a.m., at the White House…
Just days after the NRA expressed neutrality in the Jones confirmation process, Jones supporters were able to garner the 60 votes needed to break a Republican filibuster…
It was not easy going for Jones who was closely questioned by the committee’s ranking Republican, Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, over a controversial civil case involving the U.S. attorney’s office in Minnesota…
The Judiciary Committee of the US Senate is to begin hearings on the confirmation of Mr Jones as Director of the ATF tomorrow, & Fast and Furious should be at the center of questions…
It seems there isn’t a day that passes by where anti-gunners in Washington, D.C. aren’t concocting schemes to crush your Second Amendment rights…
Her name is Caitlin Halligan, and she has a long track record in favor of gun control. In fact, one Senate Republican said that she is the most “anti-Second Amendment nominee Obama has ever put forward.”…
We need to convince all three of the remaining Councilors to reject the Governor’s nomination of Mr. Bassett or the balance of the court could shift even further to the gun grabbers.
NRA applauds Sen. Heller for his strong and principled opposition to Judge Cadish’s nomination based on her lack of support for our fundamental, individual right to keep and bear arms.
Harry Reid is attempting to push yet another radical anti-gunner through the U.S. Senate. This time it’s Elissa Cadish, who flatly denies that the Second Amendment protects a fundamental right.
Majority Leader Harry Reid kept every single Democrat in lock-step with the Obama agenda, and Furman was confirmed to a lifetime appointment to the bench on a vote of 62-34.
Furman has all of the usual liberal views that frequently go hand-in-hand with advocacy of gun control.
A judge that President Obama appointed has just ruled that we have the right to keep arms, but not to bear them.
The appointment would have put a rabid anti-gun activist in a position where she could do maximum damage to the Second Amendment…
Grassroots power has helped derail President Obama’s nomination of anti-gun extremist Caitlin Halligan to the District of Columbia Circuit Court…
Her confirmation to the D.C. Court of Appeals, commonly referred to as the second most important court in the country, would have been particularly troubling because that court is often viewed as a steppingstone to the U.S. Supreme Court…
Majority Leader, Senator Reid made a procedural move last week to force a vote on Caitlin Halligan, formerly the solicitor general of New York and an avid leader in the effort to destroy firearms manufacturers using frivolous litigation…
It can be argued that the only personal property specifically protected by the US Constitution is firearms…
Halligan’s public hatred for firearms was only matched by her zealotry inside the courtroom…
President Obama is more anti-Second Amendment than perhaps any president in history can be laid to rest in the light of the characters he has nominated to the federal judiciary…