It has became clear that the most logical and efficient solution was to ally with another 2A organization, while preserving our identity…
Pro Gun Groups
Bloomberg May Pay You NOT To Attend the Gun Rights Policy Conference
I would like to invite you to our 29th annual GRPC which will be taking place September 26, 27 and 28, 2014 at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare Airport hotel in Chicago, Illinois…
The United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) Story
I recently had the chance to interview Tim Schmidt, the founder of the United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA), about how the organization first started.
Virginia Citizens Defense League Public Picnic in Newport News on September 7th 2014
The Virginia Citizen’s Defense League is hosting a family-style picnic in the Newport News City Park on September 7, 2014…
Citizens for a Safer New Jersey Launches Awareness Campaign – Come See Us In Wildwood
In an effort to inform the public about the state’s poorly written firearms statutes, Citizens for a Safer New Jersey is launching a NJ firearms law awareness campaign…
NY’s Arbalest Quarrel & Seneca Sporting Range To Hold August Pro-Gun Rally
Now is the time to gather together in solidarity and show elected officials we’re not going to tolerate the loss of rights guaranteed to us under our sacred Bill of Rights…
Madison Rising Announces Star Spangled Banner Bicentennial Release
Help Madison Rising use this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to stimulate interest and respect for a song that many have deemed outdated and unworthy of its position as our National Anthem…
#GUNVOTE 2014: Don’t Risk Losing Your Personal Rights
Time for our industry and consumers to join forces with other pro-Second Amendment groups and individuals to lead the way in electing tough, new, pro-gun lawmakers…
Earning Awards And Protecting Rights 40 Years And Counting
We are celebrating 40 years of protecting gun rights at the Second Amendment Foundation and this anniversary year continues to be a success as we added another award for protecting gun rights…
New Jersey Second Amendment Society April 2014 Monthly Meeting This Wednesday
NJ2AS Vice President, Alexander Roubian will be giving a presentation on how we will take back New Jersey…
Green Party Of Canada Speaks Out For Gun Owners
In the spirit of non-partisan support for all federal parties who stand up for gun owners, it is notable that the Green Party of Canada may be building a bold policy platform to win our allegiance…
Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership is 25 Years Young, Look What We’ve Done With YOUR Help
Yes, Jews For The Preservation Of Firearms Ownership has been kicking gun-banner a** and taking hoplophobe names since 1989…
Another North Carolina Town Debates A Gun Ban While Ashe County Votes for Freedom
Clemmons Village Council NC is teetering on the edge of proper recognition of gun freedom, and you can help nudge them toward the side of reason…
It’s Been A Remarkable Year For Gun Rights
Though we were on the defensive for much of the year, we came away larger & stronger because of it and with many wins for the pro freedom side…
Star Spangled Banner Challenge – 98% Of The Way There
Dear Patriot, The goal of our Star Spangled Banner Challenge is to reach 5 million views on our Star Spangled Banner video by December 31st…
Maryland’s ‘2A Tuesday’ Event Is Feb 4th 2014
We are actively informing people across the region of the need to show up in numbers we’ve never seen before, in support of your Second Amendment Rights…
Op-Ed: Women The ‘Holy Grail’ Of Gun Rights Movement
The Second Amendment will stand or fall depending on the way women vote, he said. “Women make-up about 52% of the population and they vote with a mind of their own.”…
Arizona Citizens Defense League Steam-Rolls Past 10,000 Members
At the Tucson AZ gun show on Sunday, December 15th, Bill of Rights Day, AzCDL volunteers recruited our 10,000th member…
Wake Up – Become a Tool Against Tyranny
One of the greatest frustrations that I face, and have for some time now, is the lack of participation in the fight for liberty by individuals who are clearly “awake.”…
Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance Names New President & Vice President
Andrew Rothman, a long-time civil rights advocate, has been named the new president of the Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance…
West Virginia Citizens Defense League Issues First 2014 Endorsements
The West Virginia Citizens Defense League will be judicious with its endorsements in the 2014 election. They have special meaning. We wish for them to be more than a voting guide for our membership…
New Jersey Second Amendment Society December Monthly Meeting & Year End Roundup Reminder
It is NJ2AS’s year end roundup and there are many reasons to remain positive and even enthusiastic for the prospects of the future of RKBA in NJ as well as the rest of the nation…
New Jersey Second Amendment Society Appoints New Membership Director
The New Jersey Second Amendment Society is pleased to announce that Mr. Will Korman has been appointed to the position of Membership Director…
District Attorney, Anti-SAFE Act Activists To Address United Gun Owners’ November Meeting
Joseph Fazzary, Schuyler County District Attorney, will discuss the NY SAFE ACT and New Yorkers’ Second Amendment rights at United Gun Owners of New York State’s November 10 2013 meeting…
Long Island Firearms Reaches 10,000 Members
Long Island Firearms, New York’s number one firearms and second amendment community website, now has 10,000 active members on its forum…
MKS Supply’s Donation Supports the 2A FlashMob
MKS Supply, the U.S. distributor of Hi-Point and Chiappa firearms arms, has made a donation in support of the 2A Flashmob…
NJ2AS October 2013 Meeting Announcements – Three Locations Offered
The New Jersey Second Amendment Society will have three October Meetings Throughout The State, Events Update, and More…
New Jersey Second Amendment Society Appoints Rich Petkevis Executive Director
Rich will be taking on the duties as the person with the overall responsibility of running the organization…
Grass Roots North Carolina Annual Dinner And Freedom Awards
If you didn’t make it to GRNC’s Annual Dinner and Freedom Awards this year, on June 22nd, you missed an awful lot of important information.
New Jersey Second Amendment Society Monthly News for July 2013
With election season upon us, it is vitally important for everyone to be prepared to stand up and send a message to the New Jesey legislature that enough is enough…