If any of these horrible bills are to be stopped, it will only be because of your engagement with your representatives on February 7th, 2023.
Maryland: Prepare Now for the First Gun Bill Day of 2023

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
If any of these horrible bills are to be stopped, it will only be because of your engagement with your representatives on February 7th, 2023.
Virginia Citizens Defense League is officially going to have a Special Session Lobby Day on Tuesday, July 9, starting at 9 a.m. This event is critical! With razor-thin margins in the House and Senate.
Working with some local organizers in the area, we’re excited to bring you: Rally for our Rights – Colorado Springs: A demonstration in support of the right to keep and bear arms.
“The Big Pro-Gun Rally” event is expected to draw over two thousand attendees, and it’s free. If you’re a gun owner, it’s the place to be on Saturday, July 28, 2018, at the Capitol, in Tallahassee.
The countdown is on! Three weeks to go for this year’s Michigan 2018 Second Amendment March. Are you going to attend? We hope to see you at the state capital.
I want you to know that this is not just an announcement, letting you know about these rallies. It is also a call to action.
Are you coming to the Kansas State Rifle Association Annual Meeting on April 20-21 2018? Join us for a 2nd Amendment rally on the steps of the Kansas Statehouse before the meeting!
It’s imperative that you contact your NJ Assembly members immediately & insist that they vote “no” on these anti-gun measures. These bills do nothing to enhance public safety
The Second Amendment March is coordinating a pro-gun march & rally at the Michigan State Capitol on Wednesday, April 26th 2017…
We are just a few days away from the 2nd and 3rd rally of the “Your Castle” tour.
We are just a few days away from the 2nd and 3rd rally of the “Your Castle” tour. The first rally was in Mt. Home and we had a good turn out with some great patriots. The next two rallies will…..
The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance is holding a rally on July 1st, 2016 from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. to celebrate the first day of Permitless Carry in Idaho.
Thousands of law-abiding Illinois firearm owners will converge on the state capitol on Wednesday, April 6th to remind the General Assembly that concern for gun rights remains high across the state.
Join your family of Second Amendment supporters, your friends, and fellow patriots.
Gun rights supporters will counter rally the “Shout Out for the Executive Action.” The rally will start at the intersection of Providence Rd and Baltimore Pike in Media, PA at 1pm on January 16…..
Are you ready to have Constitutional Carry in Idaho?! We sure are and we know that 10’s of thousands of citizens across Idaho have been asking for it for years.
Mark this important date on your calendar. If you need to reserve a vacation day before the end of the year – DO IT NOW!
We NEED you in Concord on September 16. 2015. That is the date New Hampshire Legislature will attempt to override the Governor’s veto of SB116, Constitutional Carry…
Take this opportunity to support the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance and their efforts to bring Idaho citizens Constitutional Carry!
Join hundreds of fellow gun owners as we show up to express how important our right to Keep and Bear arms is to members of our Michigan State Legislature…
Maryland’s second annual 2A Tuesday is in the books, and given the weather and traffic issues of the morning, I would consider it a success…
2A Tuesday sends a message that despite the passage of the Firearms Safety Act of 2013, we are not cowed and we have not run away with our tails between our legs. No way!!!
February 10, 2015, MSI, the Associated Gun Clubs of Baltimore, the Maryland State Rifle & Pistol Association, the National Rifle Association will join together to lobby the Maryland General Assembly..
At noon on Monday, January 26th 2015, gun owners from across the state will flood the Minnesota State Capitol to deliver a clear and powerful message…
Mark this important date on your calendar. If you need to reserve a vacation day before the end of the year – DO IT NOW! This may be one of the most important IGOLD events so far…
This is your once-a-year chance to network, get an insider’s look, and plan pro-gun rights strategies for the coming year…
This is an opportunity for all currently elected officials as well as those seeking public office to come to a meeting & learn why individual firearms ownership is such an important issue…
Now is the time to gather together in solidarity and show elected officials we’re not going to tolerate the loss of rights guaranteed to us under our sacred Bill of Rights…
Much like the Jim Crow laws of the past, Texas gun laws seem geared towards preventing the minority community from exercising their rights. We aim to change that…
A coalition of Pro-freedom/gun rights groups counter rallied the Walk & Rally for Universal Background Checks on Gun Sales on June 28, 2014. Over 100 attended…