Trump, should immediately remove Dettelbach from office, fire every ATF employee and disband the entire rouge department. @ATFHQ
Red Flag Laws
A Long-Delayed Conviction Illustrates the Difficulty of Holding Cops Accountable for Abusing Their Powers
Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Songer. Hankison “violated one of the most fundamental rules of deadly force,” “If they cannot see the person they’re shooting at, they cannot pull the trigger.”
New Jersey Lawyer Challenges Red Flag Gun Law in Federal Court
Gun rights advocates like Burg argue that these laws open the door to widespread abuse. They fear that law-abiding citizens could have their firearms seized with little chance to challenge the order…
Extreme-Risk Protection Orders Fail To Deliver: Analysis of Red Flag Laws & Their Consequences
Claimed to prevent “gun violence” by removing guns from individuals deemed a threat, evidence from recent studies demonstrates significant flaws in both effectiveness & due process.
Georgia Case Against a School Shooter’s Father Treats an Inattentive Parent as a Murderer
The charges, which could send Colin Gray to prison for the rest of his life, are part of a broader attempt to criminalize parental failures…
‘Chaos’ – MA Gov. Healey Inks ‘Emergency’ Enactment of New Gun Law
When Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healey signed an emergency enactment of the state’s new gun control law, she was trying to head off a petition drive…
MD: Brief Submitted in ‘Red Flag’ Challenge Where Marine Corps Veteran Suffered Humiliating Involuntary Mental Health Evaluation
Mr. Willey, a 64-year-old Marine Corps veteran, had guns confiscated for allegedly making threats, which Willey steadfastly denied & forced to endure a humiliating involuntary mental health evaluation.
Michigan Sheriff Reneges on Pledge to Not Enforce Red Flag Edict
To publicly excuse himself from going along with what he knows to be wrong, the sheriff offered an unconvincing anecdote “involving a man having a mental health crisis”…
Biden’s “Justice Department” Clearinghouse Streamlines Seizure of Lawfully-Owned Guns
The program will use tax dollars to promote state “red flag” firearm seizure laws through raising awareness, advocacy, training, & the gathering of confiscation resources…
FOIA Seeks Information from DOJ on National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center
Who the DOJ is partnering with and how their activities are lawful in light of the Supreme Court’s latest ruling on the Second Amendment are of particular interest.
Oregon: Confiscate Guns From Adults By Claiming Their Children Are Dangerous ~ VIDEO
The goal is to increase the list of people who can make unfounded and unproven accusations leading to the state-sponsored theft of firearms.
New York’s New Red Flag Gun Grab
Democrat Governor Hochul is praising this new policy of gun confiscation as “a model for the rest of the nation.”
Get Ready Oregon: Red Flag Gun Confiscation Up Next in 2024 Legislative Session
The far left that controls Oregon state & intimidates Republicans into subservience is at work attacking your gun rights. Next up: Red Flag Gun Confiscation.
Don’t Blame the Maine Shootings on ‘Woefully Weak’ Gun Laws: Criticism of the State’s ‘Yellow Flag’ Statute Is Doubly Misguided
Gun control activists complained that Maine’s “yellow flag” law is harder to use than than more oppressive “red flag” laws…
Michigan Police Officials Express Concern Over Dangers of “Red Flag” Enforcement
When a deadly law is almost universally treated as if it doesn’t exist, it may be because it should have never existed in the first place.
Acting on Russell Brand Accusations without Proof Draws Parallels to ‘Red Flag’ Confiscations
But we stand by silently while anyone is deemed guilty without due process at our peril.
Second Amendment Foundation to Target Red Flag Laws: ‘Capture the Flag’
The Second Amendment Foundation has announced the launch of a project aimed at challenging so-called Red Flag laws (RFL), which have raised alarms among gun rights advocates over concerns about due process.
SAF Files Federal Lawsuit Against Maryland ‘Red Flag’ Law
The Second Amendment Foundation and one of its members have filed a federal lawsuit challenging the “red flag” law enacted by the State of Maryland.
Tennessee Governor Bill Lee, Pushes Forward with Red Flag & Gun Control Special Session
Tennessee Governor Bill Lee has called a Special Session with the obvious purpose of pursuing his Red Flag agenda and other gun control measures.
TN Governor Bill Lee, STOP!! Calling for Gun Control Special Legislative Session ~ VIDEO
Don’t hold your breath as Republican Governor Bill Lee, has ignored the calls of voters and even Legislators not to call the special session to ban guns.
We Fixed Bill Lee’s “tweet” About Red Flag Laws ~ VIDEO
We fixed Tennessee Governor Bill Lee’s Tweet about the need for Red Flag laws – but he still wrongly demands that the Legislature enact gun confiscation!
Red Flag Laws Looming on the Horizon for Michigan Gun Owners
Red Flag is inherently racist and sexist and denies due process protections to those who most lack the resources to defend themselves in court.
GOP Sells Out USA, Gun Control Bill Passes, Next Stop President Biden
The United States House of Representatives has passed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, aka unconstitutional Federal Gun Control Law.
2022 Senate Gun Control Bill Expected At Any Time for a Vote
Senator John Cornyn, TX, sold out the Republican side of the negotiations along with nine other Republicans. Senator Chris Murphy led the Democrats in the debate.
Following Latest Tragic Murders Gun Industry Remains Dedicated To Real Solutions®
The firearm industry is – and always has been – ready to work for Real Solutions® that make our communities safer.
Donald Trump Jr’s 2A Task Force Needs Closer Scrutiny by Gun Owners
The object here is not to attack him or to start a feud with Dad; it’s to see if the guy who says he wants to lead us knows where he’s going and why.
ATF’s Arrogant Valentine’s Day Message Could Get People Killed
“The ATF just handed us excellent source material to use in the fight against red flag laws all over the country.”
Gun Prohibitionists Hacks Going All-In to Disarm the Legally Innocent ~ VIDEO
Screeds of “we need to stop the ‘gun violence’ in its tracks.” Ignore the indisputable truth, anyone who can’t be trusted with a gun can’t be trusted in a free society.
Republicans Cave to Gun Control with Violence Against Women Act
The ultimate question for any Republican considering “negotiating” infringements on the right to keep and bear arms with Democrats is “Why?”
Fighting Anti-Red Flag Laws with OK State Rep. Jay Steagall ~ VIDEO
OK State Representative Jay Steagall owns & operates a gun store, was a senior KC-135 pilot in the US Air Force Reserves, & had a big hand in passing SB1081 – Anti-Red Flag Gun Laws Bill in Oklahoma.