Rocky Mountain Gun Owner’s lawsuit comes in response to a Colorado Ethics Watch complaint that was filed with the Colorado Secretary of State claiming RMGO violated Colorado laws…
Dudley Brown & NAGR’s Despicable Deception
It is time to call Dudley what he is, a political bomb-throwing bully whose stock in trade is to incite distrust and discontent within the ranks of the gun rights movement for his financial gain…
So What About The Colorado Governor’s Race?
The caucus process is an important venue for Colorado gun owners and gun rights activists to make their voices heard…
Colorado To Consider Bill Repealing the 2013 Magazine Ban
This bill will repeal the draconian magazine ban of 2013, which limits magazine capacity to 15 rounds…
Rocky Mountain Gun Owners To Sue Over New Gun Laws
First, we beat the gun-grabbers at the ballot box last week in the recall elections….Now, we’re going to beat them in court…
Colorado’s John Morse Thinks Your Concerns are Toxic
That’s right — John Morse thinks doing a key part of his job description, listening to his constituents, is toxic…
Colorado: Bloomberg’s Gun Control Bus Tour Pulls into Town
Today, July 19 2013, New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s anti-gun group, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, is making a stop in Aurora on their “No More Names” bus tour…
Elect Colorados Jaxine Bubis & Retire Anti-Gun Senator Morse
Rocky Mountain Gun Owners-PAC officially endorsed Jaxine Bubis to be the Republican candidate in the recall of anti-gun Senate President John Morse (D)…
Colorado’s Fox 31 Investigative Reporters Trying to Entrap Honest Gun Sellers
FOX31 reporters Julie Hayden and Josh Bernstein have been attempting to set up straw purchases via online firearm markets…
Colorado Gun Owners Contact Governor Hickenlooper Right Now
Colorado’s gun-grabbing state legislature has pushed our backs against the wall. While we were able to kill 2 anti-gun bills in the Senate last week, the other 4 passed…
Colorado Don’t STOP! Keep Up Pressure on the Gun Banning Politicos
Senate President John Morse and his Democrat caucus buddies are feeling the heat. Your calls, post cards, letters, and e-mails are starting to get to them…
Colorado Gun Owners It Is Time to Stand Up For Your Rights
Colorado Senate President John Morse has scheduled ALL the anti-gun bills to be heard in two different Senate Committees on Monday, including his newly introduced Backdoor “Assault Weapon” ban…
Colorado Gun Control Bills Up For Vote TOMORROW
Despite massive grassroots opposition from RMGO members and supporters, a number of extremely anti-gun bills passed out of committee and are headed to the Colorado House floor…
More Guns, Less Crime – Rocky Mountain Gun Owners Special Event
Mr. Lott’s pro-gun views have found him defending gun rights frequently on Fox News, and in heated head-to-head debates on television and radio with gun-grabbers like CNN’s Piers Morgan…
Colorado Democrats Unveil a List of Gun Ban Schemes
Democrat House Speaker Mark Ferrandino, Senate President John Morse and their friends from the anti-gun lobby unmasked their gun control agenda before a packed media audience…
Special FREE Concealed Carry Class for Teachers
We want to train as many teachers and school employees as we possibly can how to defend themselves, their students and their schools as we can…
Vote Like Your Forefathers
The fact is, in far too many races across the state, our gun rights have been ignored, or even worse, openly mocked…
Who Supports The Second Amendment in Colorado
Despite the national distractions, we have candidates right here in Colorado who can make a huge difference in securing our Second Amendment rights…
University of Colorado to Debate Concealed Carry
Candidates for University of Colorado Regent are debating Concealed Carry today, and they need to hear from you…
Statement by Rocky Mountain Gun Owners on Aurora Shooting
The blatant attempt by New York Mayor Bloomberg to use the blood of these innocents to advance his radical political agenda is disgusting & he has created millions of gun-free criminal-safe zones.
Colorado Gun Rights Victories Last Night
In a complete and total rout, RMGO PAC won every race it was involved in. Every race. And all of them by double-digit victories.
Colorado Campus Carry Ban Over Thanks To Court Ruling
Today, the Colorado Supreme Court ruled that the CU Regents cannot ban concealed carry on their campuses.
Lawsuit Filed Against Anti-Gun Colorado Hospital
The anti-gunners are alive and well in Colorado, and they are at war with our gun rights.
Anti-Gun Brady Bunch Sherriff Arrested for Dealing Meth
Former Sheriff Sullivan is now sitting in the Patrick J. Sullivan Jr. Detention Facility. That’s right. He’s sitting in the jail named for his honor…
Your Calls Are Getting To Reid, Now Republicans Are Blocking Gun Registration Amendment
Reid’s conspirators in Republican leadership are desperate to protect the Police-State that the Patriot Act enshrines, which is scheduled to expire tonight…
Rocky Mountain Machine Gun Shoot April 29th-30th-May 1st, 2011
Rocky Mountain Machine Gun Shoot April 29th-30th-May 1st, 2011 Chance, Colorado –-( Shoot a Subgun for free April 29th-30th-May 1st, 2011! At the Rocky Mountain Machine Gun Shoots 13th Annual Machine Gun Shoot & Military Vehicle Display Last Chance, Colorado (Only 1 hour and 15 minutes from Denver, I-70 and Pena Blvd.) New RMGO members […]
Constitutional Carry Dead In Colorado
The legislation would have made Colorado a “permit optional” state for concealed carry, joining Vermont, Alaska, Arizona, and Wyoming…
Colorado Constitutional Carry in Senate Committee on Tuesday 3/22/2011
This bill has already moved out of the House, but to reach the Senate floor it needs to first pass through this committee…
Colorado State House Passes Constitutional Carry 40 to 25
The first phase of passing Constitutional Carry through the Colorado State House was accomplished…
Constitutional Carry Faces First Hurdle In Colorado Legislature
This Constitutional Carry bill already has a huge number of co-sponsors, but to reach the House floor it needs to first pass through this committee…