These cases represent a decisive moment—one that could either fortify the High Court’s previous rulings in Heller, McDonald, and Bruen, or allow state governments to continue their relentless assault on the right to keep and bear arms.
Donald J. Trump’s reinauguration as President heralds what many believe will be a renewed golden era for the United States.
In the coming days, the future of America will be decided. Gun owners must rise to the challenge, register to vote, and cast their ballots in November. The future of America depends on it.
“As an FFL and gun range owner in NYC, I want to do my part in getting the vote out for Donald Trump. It is especially important that gun owners vote to protect our right to keep and bear arms.” – John Deloca
This is surprising, shocking, and altogether unacceptable. Voting is a Sacred Right and a tremendously important responsibility.
August 12th, 2024, the New York City Police Department announced new emergency rules regarding applications for NYC concealed carry licenses by non-state residents.
A person who does not honor our Nation’s Constitution nor cherishes our Bill of Rights and who knowingly, willingly violates Divine Law is not an American.
How do Americans successfully wage war against the unholy forces of Secularism? We must stop all illegal attempts to manufacture a favorable Election result for Biden.
Current legal interpretations allowing states to ban firearm components without compensation violate the Fifth and Second Amendments, undermining personal sovereignty.
Former President Donald Trump didn’t really want to ban bump stocks. When he did, he knew the Supreme Court was likely to overturn his action….
The NY Government’s raw, rabid hatred and fear of firearms is palpable, and its constant, contentious vilification of New York firearms is shameful, undeserved, and insulting.
New York never accepted the idea of a natural law right of the people to keep and bear arms. The State was a viper’s nest of “Tories” (Loyalists to the Crown). At the War’s conclusion…
Could New York’s refusal to follow the directives of the Supreme Court on the 2nd Amendment be the undoing of all gun permit licensing schemes nationwide…!
Armed Rebellion against Tyranny is a Legal & Moral Imperative enshrined as such in the Second Amendment of our Nation’s Bill of Rights of our Constitution.
The U.S Supreme Court needs to answer whether the American people have the right to rebel against tyranny, from a legal standpoint, apart from the decidedly moral one.
Lower courts have grown increasingly disdainful of the U.S. Supreme Court rulings & reasoning. Will SCOTUS assert its authority over these rogue courts?
The Hawaii State Supreme Court has “one-upped” New York for its brazenness, by declaring that there is no state constitutional right to carry a firearm in public.
Can the U.S. Government really succeed in disarming the U.S. populace? The Governments of New Zealand & Australia have not had any trouble but in America…
The Second Circuit has now played its hand: spurned are the rulings & reasoning of, and mocked & provoked, its parent, the U.S. Supreme Court….
New York’s licensed gun dealers & ranges are swamped with questions over confusing new laws concerning CCW licenses, ammunition, & firearms “transfers”…
She didn’t rescind the Order in total. A major goal of all Soro’s funded Marxists is the annihilation of the armed citizenry.
Soros-backed officials do not initiate unconscionable, unconstitutional actions out of the blue. And that is no less true of New Mexico’s Governor, Grisham.
Governor Grisham’s gun-ban Health Order is legally incoherent, incompatible with State Statute, and unconstitutional. Here is why….
The New York Government’s end goal is to make the entire State one all-encompassing “Gun-Free Zone” & the people, & Supreme Court be damned…
Because Democrats can’t easily control them, they are going after a U.S. Supreme Court Justice they don’t like because he defends a natural law right they don’t agree with.
I raised my right hand to uphold the constitution. Now the governor of NY wants me to break that oath. Law enforcement has been placed in an untenable position of enforcing laws that are unconstitutional.
Congressional Republicans can do better than a law declaring the AR-15 rifle the national gun!? Rather the nation needs recognition of the right to carry a handgun, throughout the USA.
Mass shooting incidents don’t occur at our airports or in federal courts and office buildings because they are “hardened” against criminal violence.
Focusing entirely on guns, they conclude that children cannot be safe unless all guns are eliminated from society. That is an impossible & ridiculous demand,
Time is on their side, and the Government has everything to gain by drawing this case out for months if it can. And the Second Circuit would make sure this happens…