Just two days after President Joe Biden posted to X calling for an assault weapon ban, we have a tragic school shooting incident at a private Christian school in Madison…
Civil Rights Group Blasts Biden’s Reaction To Wisconsin School Tragedy

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Just two days after President Joe Biden posted to X calling for an assault weapon ban, we have a tragic school shooting incident at a private Christian school in Madison…
The charges, which could send Colin Gray to prison for the rest of his life, are part of a broader attempt to criminalize parental failures…
Kamala Harris advocated for the removal of school resource officers, describing it as an effort to “demilitarize” school campuses, but now she has no comment…
Our schools need to be protected by well-trained armed school employees who can stop these shootings at the point of attack…
Everyone should be able to agree that mental health efforts are crucial to addressing the root causes of mental health violence.
Gun prohibitionists are moving swiftly to capitalize on the fatal school shooting in Oxford Township, Mich., that took three students’ lives & left seven other students & one adult wounded…
As always, this will only “stop” the “law-abiding.” And after their guns are “registered,” any number of new prohibitions can be enacted to close “loopholes” against them.
The firearm used in the murders in a the Santa Clarita High School was a homemade semi-automatic pistol. Sheriff Villanueva says one third of firearms confiscated in Southern California are homemade.
CNN reporters piously wring their hands over the fact that a twelve-year-old student, Nate Holley, had grabbed a baseball bat and vowed to “go down fighting”.
That most mass media will not follow suit and instead share a”symbiotic relationship” with mass killers does not alter a fundamental truth.
Andrew Gillum chose to defend the bumblers of Broward County instead of law-abiding citizens who exercise their Second Amendment rights.
A Virginia school district’s effort to arm teachers and other school employees has encountered a setback after a state agency refused to endorse the district’s plan.
Teachers shouldn’t have to be armed!” various sheep bleat, coming up with every excuse in the world to abdicate responsibility for their own safety and the safety of children.
20 kids would spend all day playing & “shooting” at each other, all had unfettered access to real guns yet never had the idea of actually shooting someone.
Several North Carolina legislators have introduced a common-sense solution to increase protection for schools in North Carolina.
Support for the Second Amendment, tends to outlast moments of high emotion that are increasingly relied upon by political opportunists to advance their agenda.
Since the Santa Fe, Texas school shooter did not use a semiautomatic weapon to kill or injure his victims, will antigun groups now seek to ban all firearms?
Ten of our brothers and sisters in Texas died because craven politicians and the gun control lobby that feeds them would rather attack firearm owners and our rights than address the systemic issues.
A school resource officer shot a teen gunman and prevented a possible mass shooting at Dixon High School in Dixon, Illinois.
Why do we expect teachers to die to protect kids, when there is a lawful option for them to protect their kids and live?
Another school shooting could much worse than the recent shooting in Florida. How many children could a madman shoot in the target-rich environment of a school?
The distasteful, but inescapable, conclusion to which they reluctantly came is that schools will have to protect themselves!
Why are we so averse to spending $233 per student to put an immediate stop to school shootings?
But don’t look for the Second Amendment to be recognized any time soon by our representatives or the courts as “being necessary to the security of a free State.”
Adults were mandated to be powerless to protect their charges.
On 18 October, 2015, an 18-year-old student was attacked by a drunken mob of fraternity members. One member ran up to Jones and sucker punched him.
The murder of Sam Strahan at Freeman High School in Washington State, appears to be another result of the American media’s obsession with school shootings.
As acts of school violence continue to make the news, many districts are making the decision to have armed staff on their campus.
If an armed, crazed madman comes to your child’s school with the intent of harming or killing children, who will protect them?
To effectively stop the bleeding in a mass-shooting attack, the first step is to stop the cause of the bleeding – Stoping the Attacker!