Ask yourself this: Are your kids as safe as they can possibly be at school, or do you just pretend they are to get through the day?
Is Your School Prepared to Survive the Next School Shooting?

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Ask yourself this: Are your kids as safe as they can possibly be at school, or do you just pretend they are to get through the day?
When a public school teacher, man or woman is the victim of ongoing, violent, domestic abuse, should they be required to notify their school management??
It may sound cold and detached, but that’s it in a nutshell – and I don’t owe anyone an explanation.
So why does the Department of Homeland Security recommend raising your voice or throwing a stapler at the killer when what is clearly required is deadly force?
If this premeditated shooting at UCLA calls any policies or laws into question, it is the policies and laws denying law-abiding professors the means to defend themselves
The coward didn’t achieve the “high score” he likely desired, or the notoriety these cowards so often crave, thanks to the quick response of a law enforcement officer…
“If only we didn’t have high-capacity magazines on the market.” To the uninformed & intellectually lazy, these types of statements sound perfectly rational…
The recent murder of a female undergraduate on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin serves as a tragic reminder that college campuses, though typically safe, do play host to every…..
The NAU ‘School Shooter’ may have been a legitimate case of defense of self and others. The toxicology results have a surprise.
The ‘school shooting’ at NAU in Arizona by Steven Jones may have been justified as defense of self and others..
The August 1, 1966, sniper attack at the University of Texas at Austin bears little resemblance to more-recent campus shooting sprees (e.g., Virginia Tech and Umpqua Community College).
ABC11 is running a poll to gauge whether people think armed, trained, teachers should be allowed to protect students.
Once again President Obama has come out and exploited this tragedy to advance his agenda against law-abiding gun owners…
The United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA) sends our prayers and support to those impacted by the tragic events that took place at Umpqua Community College last Thursday.
After hearing his dad blame guns for his son’s murderous actions what else can one believe about how screwed up the mass murderer’s family life really was..
There is a lot of debate about whether Oregon’s Umpqua Community College allows campus carry after the tragic campus shooting. Here are the FACTS…
It’s what he said in a clip that’s not getting much attention that illustrates the danger in presuming O’Reilly to be 2A-informed and correct.
The ISRA hates to disappoint Mr. Obama but the nation’s lawful firearm owners won’t take it on the chin because a bigot decided to murder Christian people…
Chris Mintz was shot seven times as he tried to stop the Oregon school shooter…
The fact remains that none of his solutions would have prevented this incident, or any of the other incidents they have taken advantage of call for restrictions of your rights…
We are shocked and saddened by any action that is violent in nature, and our sincerest thoughts and prayers go out to all the victims..
By focusing on an isolated “newsworthy” tragedy in one place, Mr. Obama unknowingly obscures the real issue, and does indeed politicize it…
Maybe we can stop the tide of violence that has been surged up by the desperate, murderous sycophants of our world…
Facts will not stop the enemies of freedom from blaming YOU for this horrible crime, & calling for more restrictions on your Second Amendment rights…
Two students present at the shooting that occurred at Florida State University on 20 Nov. could have stopped the shooting but were disarmed by the current law.
Approximately a quarter million law-abiding Wisconsin residents have jumped through hoops the constitution never intended, and obtained their Wisconsin Concealed Carry License…
A panel at the Gun Rights Policy Conference discussed the folly of “Gun Free Zones”. Dr. Edeen, Massad Ayoob, and Chris Byrd spoke on the subject.
The bulk of all gun control legislation being proposed in government today, at either the state or federal level, is sponsored by Democrats…
Ti Training, an industry leader in interactive simulation & training systems announces the release of School Safety & Active Shooter Response Training Pack designed for use on all Ti Training systems…
An Oklahoma podiatrist, came up with the idea of a protective blanket after the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in late 2012…