So what exactly did Tulsi Gabbard do to get added to the terrorist watch list? It came the day after she criticized the Biden administration… How does this make you feel?
Former Rep. Gabbard on ‘No Fly List’ Should Concern All Gun Owners

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
So what exactly did Tulsi Gabbard do to get added to the terrorist watch list? It came the day after she criticized the Biden administration… How does this make you feel?
The Court’s decision sheds a fresh light on why it is wrong to allow the Executive branch to unilaterally rescind citizens’ constitutional rights, including Second Amendment rights, based on no more than “reasonable suspicion”,,,
H.R. 1112, which purportedly targets the inappropriately-named “Charleston loophole,” is just as insidious an attack on gun owners. Was passed out of the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday.
There are 26 separate protections in the Bill of Rights. Nine are eliminated outright by this obscene charade, with another four potential abuses.
Without using the lightning-rod term NO-FLY LIST this bill sweeps all those people into a new anti-gun-rights database, because everyone there has been “investigated”. It’s very clever actually…
The left and the Democrats work hard to manipulate numbers and to distort gun rights related polling numbers.
We will not compromise on any attempt to restrict American civil rights, including Second Amendment rights, without due process of law…
Does it really seem far-fetched that the FBI, under Hillary Clinton might deny firearm purchases to people like supporters of Donald Trump?
House Speaker Paul Ryan recently announced that he will hold votes next week on barring Americans from buying guns if their names appear on a government watch list.
While you and I prepare for a weekend of R&R in celebration of this nation’s freedom, Wisconsin Republicrat Paul Ryan is working behind the scenes to crush what little freedom you and I have left.
The worst part of this bill is that it removes a fundamental right of every United States citizen – due process.
Grass roots gun owners reject secret no guns lists, and reject support of so-called “gun free zones”, and we call on NRA-ILA to abandon support for these proposals…
Even the anti-gun American Civil Liberties Union opposed these two amendments. From a civil liberties standpoint these amendments are more chilling than we can go into in this alert.
It seems that Senator Ayotte has forgotten what she learned in law school, that in America, people are innocent until proven guilty…
Who is on the “list” is unknown, and the procedure for getting off the “list” is also unknown. There is apparently no appeal process, and no one even knows whom to call…
From the bill : “No district court of the United States or court of appeals of the United States shall have jurisdiction to consider the lawfulness or constitutionality of this section…”
There are no known parameters for adding people to the list. The Terrorist Screening Center, a secretive FBI branch you can’t deal with, runs it.
NY Democrat Senator Jeff Klein proposes seizure of weapons from those on secret watch lists.
Stopping terror suspects from getting weapons that could harm our state and its people makes common sense. Even if Washington won’t act, we can. North Carolina Attorney General Roy Cooper…
During the D.C. Sniper Shooting police went to sporting goods stores & gun shops to get the 4473 Federal firearm registrations on anyone with a rifle in that particular caliber & contact them at their home…
The agents are part of the California Department of Justice’s Armed Prohibited Persons System, a program that takes firearms from people barred from owning them by the state…
Surrounded by child-props, Barack Obama proposed a semi-automatic ban so extreme that it could potentially outlaw up to 50% of all long guns in circulation and up to 80% of all handguns…