An Alarabia interview with Errol Musk, Elon Musk’s father, reveals much of what drives Elon Musk and how he will approach his new responsibilities.
South Africa
Talking Bullets and Bombshells UK with Gerald Bailey ~ VIDEO
Gerald Bailey is the organizer of Bullets and Bombshells UK. In this episode, we take a deep dive into some of the issues facing South Africa.
Trevor Noah Tweet Makes Mass Death ‘Joke’ Many Gun Prohibitionists Agree With
What is it about gun-grabbers and genocide? And what is it about Noah?
Socialist Democrat Agenda Played Out In Attacks on White South Africans ~ VIDEO
Liberal “mainstream” media, corruptly motivated only by grievance and identity politics, have declared that reports on recurring, fatal attacks on South African farmers by ANC-sponsored thugs, untrue.
South Africa Firearms Confiscation Amnesty SAGA Update
Under normal circumstances SAGA does not favour amnesties since very few, if any, firearms were surrendered by “real” criminals – those who murder, steal and rape.
South Africa : Update Regarding Expired Firearm Licences ~ PODCAST
The Minister of Police, stated on Radio Jacaranda, that persons with expired firearm licences do not have to surrender their firearm to the police as there is an amnesty pending.
Interview with Paul Oxley, Chairman Gun Owners SA ~ Can Gun Confiscation Be Stopped?
Our argument is that relicensing is impossible in the South African context, and you simply cannot enforce a law that is impossible to enforce and leads to mass gun confiscation efforts.
South African Gun Confiscations Interview with John Welch, President of SAGA
Currently, 400,000 South Africans are in violation of a new law and will have to turn over their firearms to the nearest police station for destruction.
South Africa Court “It is NOT a Right to Own Firearms”
Although we are extremely concerned about corruption and the theft and robbery of firearms at police stations, there is no other alternative and firearms may only be surrendered to the police
South Africa’s 2018 Firearm Amnesty : SAGA Cautions & Comments
Broadly speaking, the concerns raised dealt with the practicalities of whetheror not firearms handed into SAPS in terms of the Amnesty can be safely secured.
South African Court Judgement on Firearm Licenses, “Unconstitutional”
In light of the judgment, your firearm licence is now valid & therefore you cannot be deemed to be in illegal possession of unlicensed firearms..
SAGA Warns Western Cape Police Service to Raid Gun Owners Homes
South African Gunowners Association has been advised that South African Police Service in the Western Cape will be conducting an operation aimed at gunowners…
South African Horror Aided by Gun Owner Control Policies
Give it a few years. That is, if those bent on culturally terraforming our country with a “progressive’ majority and disarming its citizens are allowed to prevail.
Apex Products Now Available In South Africa
Apex Tactical Specialties has gone international with South African firearms dealer/wholesaler Dave Sheer Guns carrying a large selection of popular Apex products.
Case Against Chris Prinsloo for Firearms Related Crimes Has Concluded
Former Col. Chris Prinsloo had, over a period of years, stolen, or otherwise removed firearms from SAPS stores or facilities, many of which had been surrendered by former licensed firearm…..
Statement on SABC Exposé Regarding Fraudulent Issuing of Firearm Competencies
It was reported on SABC television yesterday that the owner of Skopos, a security training facility, has been exposed as allegedly selling official certificates of proficiency in respect of…..
South Africa’s 16 Days Of Activism For No Violence Against Women & Children
We find equally appalling, is that certain activists equate violence with firearms, especially the lawful possession thereof. Violence against vulnerable people is not a guns-issue..
South African Police Service Blames Legal Gun Owners
South African Police have blamed legal owners as being the major source of illegally possessed firearms, while police themselves are losing 4,000+ firearms per year…
Delta, American and United Airlines Place Misguided Restrictions on African Hunting
On Monday, Delta Air Lines, American Airlines and United Airlines announced that they would no longer transport legally-harvested buffalo, elephant, leopard, lion or rhinoceros hunting trophies.
Major Airline Lifts Misguided Restrictions on African Hunting Trophies
On Monday; July 20, following the release of Cargo Policy and Procedures Advisory No. 278, South African Airways (SAA) effectively lifted their embargo on transporting legally-harvested African…..
South Africa: Girlfriend Fires 2 Shots at Armed Home Invaders ~ Video
A woman is surprised by three armed home invaders in South Africa, and fires two shots in this video. She needed an alarm system and or a dog…
South Africa’s President Calls For More Stringent Gun Control
If the call for stricter measures is to reduce the number of negligent losses of firearms we suggest government starts looking at the number of firearms lost by, or stolen from, its own agencies…
Safety & Guns: Is A Revision Of South Africa’s Firearms Control Act The Answer?
African National Congress held a media conference during which they called the imposition by courts of “maximum” sentences for people convicted of the negligent loss of firearms…
South African Gunowners Association Statement on the Unnecessary Harming of Children
It is unfortunate that the police often seek to target lawful firearm owners rather than preventing and combating the proliferation of illegally possessed firearms in criminal hands…
Corruption Allegations for South Africa’s Central Firearms Registry
It is alleged that Brigadier Mathapelo Mangwani of the South African Central Firearms Register took bribes to fast-track the issuing of licences for clients of the nations top gun shop…
South African Firearms Court Case Update
As there will be a lot of ‘court activity’ or ‘legislative discussions’ during 2012, we take this early opportunity to update you on the current status of various cases awaiting court hearing.
Zimbabwe – Guns Save Lives & Citizens Need To Be Armed
It is always a humanistic and pagan concept of peace that citizens should not be armed to protect their wives, children and property from criminals…
Why the Firearms Control Act Failed – In South Africa
Laws based on Ideology, Control Of Guns Means Less Crime are shown to fail miserably in this relatively free country…
Update on South Africa Proposed Firearm Act Amendments
We expect further drafts of the Amendment Bill as the process unfolds and will keep your as up-to-date as practically possible…
Closure Of Gauteng South Africa Firearm Offices Complicates Firearms Applications
Placing this additional burden on the overburdened police officers who are already heavily involved in general police work will not assist the fight against crime…