A court dismissed charges against Edward Druzolowski more than a year after he shot a violent felon neighbor. The neighbor had threatened him with a chainsaw while advancing toward Druzolowski.
Stand your Ground
Self-Defense Shooting in San Antonio Leaves One Dead After Alleged Threats ~ VIDEO
The deceased, identified only as a man in his 30s, was found shot inside his vehicle after what police describe as an “aggressive and dangerous” encounter.
Gun Hating Moms Blame Common ‘Stand Your Ground’ Laws for Skyrocketing Murder Rates
Times are tough for Bloomberg’s well-paid anti-gun “moms”. They rant & rave about the evils of gun ownership but in America, no one is listening.
Poll: 83% Say Violent Crime will be Important Issue in Elections
A formidable 83 percent of likely voters believe the issue of violent crime “will be important in this year’s congressional elections,” according to a new Rasmussen survey.
Gun Prohibitionists Hacks Going All-In to Disarm the Legally Innocent ~ VIDEO
Screeds of “we need to stop the ‘gun violence’ in its tracks.” Ignore the indisputable truth, anyone who can’t be trusted with a gun can’t be trusted in a free society.
A National ‘Stand Your Ground’ Law Makes Sense for America
A Stand Your Ground law removes this deadly “duty to retreat.” It allows you to immediately meet deadly force with deadly force. It allows you to stand your ground.
Hate-Hoaxing White Powder Assailant Will Make Perfect Bloomberg Mayor
McRae minimizing his crime shows what he’s “learned from his mistakes” is that with the right level of constituency ignorance and citizenship malpractice, any criminal can be a successful politician.
Anti-Gun Brit John Oliver Exemplifies Self-Serving ‘Dual Citizen’ Oxymoron
A common gun owner reaction to both Oliver and Bee: If they don’t like it here, why don‘t they go back to where they came from?
NAACP’s ‘Stand Your Ground’ Lies Won’t Die with DeWine’s Bill Approval
Contrary to the lies told by those who use that incident to discredit “stand your ground” laws, George Zimmerman’s legal defense did not use that argument.
Court upholds Right of Armed Citizen to Shoot a Police Officer in Defense
After nearly five years in jail, the Fifth Circuit Court has dismissed the charges against John DeRossett for shooting a sheriff’s deputy in 2015.
MN: 2nd Mis-Trial in Self Defense Case of Victim, Alexander Weiss ~ VIDEO
Alexander Weiss, who had a carry permit in Minnesota, has had another mistrial with a hung jury. He has pleaded not guilty by reason of self-defense, in the death of Muhammed Rahim.
New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist Group Calls for Executions!?!
This is the lesson that many learned in elementary school that if you shout threats at a classmate, you don’t get to whine when he gives you a bloody nose.
Florida Democrats Did an Awesome Election Favor for Republicans
Democrats gave an incredible gift to Republicans by providing the opportunity for a self-defense vote right before the election.
Idaho: Important Self-Defense Law Now in Effect
This legislation clarifies that in the exercise of self-defense, a law-abiding citizen may stand their ground and protect themselves or their family anywhere they have a legal right to be.
Gun Rights Groups would Do Well to Legally Champion Black Gun Owner
They’re just doing this to try and embarrass NRA, and to smear the Association and its members as racists who don’t care about the plight of non-whites.
Wyoming: Stand Your Ground Legislation Becomes Law
Governor Matt Mead stated that he allowed important self-defense legislation, House Bill 168, to become Wyoming law, but without his signature..
Major Developments On Wyoming Stand-Your-Ground Law
Tuesday the Senate took a sledgehammer to our Stand-Your-Ground law with an amendment that gutted key components of the bill…
Update on Wyoming Stand-Your-Ground Fight ~ VIDEO
Watch this video to understand why next week will be absolutely crucial in our fight to pass Wyoming Stand-Your-Ground law…
“Stand Your Ground” Bill Advances in Wyoming
On 15 February, 2018, a “Stand Your Ground” bill passed the Wyoming House with an overwhelming majority. Only one Republican voted against it.
Wyoming: Self-Defense Legislation Pre-filed in State Senate
It is unreasonable that victims of crime should have to worry about being arrested or prosecuted if they are required to use force to defend themselves or their family.
More Support for Wyoming’s Stand-Your-Ground Law
As word gets out about Wyoming Gun Owners’ plan to push Stand-Your-Ground law in the 2018 session, gun owners are getting excited!
The Fight For Stand-Your-Ground Starts In Three Days
The Idaho legislative session starts in just three days. Next week we continue our efforts to get Stand-Your-Ground passed in Idaho!
Wyoming Gun Owners Turn Their Attention to Stand-Your-Ground Law
As preposterous as this sounds, it’s the law here in Wyoming, and gun owners have been prosecuted just this year over their failure to retreat.
Burden Of Proof and Stand Your Ground
The Kansas Court of Appeals had ruled, a trial-court judge must view evidence in the light most favorable for the prosecution.. wait WTF?
Communities of Color Need Stand Your Ground Laws
Minnesota desperately needs common sense gun laws – just not the ones you might think.
A Look at the Legal Side of Stand Your Ground and Other Questions of Self-Defense
Misinformation about self-defense rights and laws is what has sparked major debate over the misapplication of lethal force in civilian communities.
Call TODAY to ensure Self-Defense bills advance in Minnesota Legislature
HF188, authored by Rep. Jim Nash, would make permits to carry optional throughout Minnesota. This concept is known as “Constitutional Carry”.
Idaho: Establishment Gun Bill Dies!
We are happy to report that the bill was unanimously held in committee and will go nowhere this session!
Poll Shows Majority of Iowans Support Stand Your Ground
The Des Moines Register just released their latest Iowa Poll about Stand Your Ground legislation.
Poll: Majority of Iowans Support Stand Your Ground Legislation
The poll, conducted by the widely respected Selzer & Company, was taken between February 6th and 9th and has a 3.5 percent plus or minus margin of error.