The bad news is President-elect Donald Trump, will be denied the pleasure of firing the most political ATF director we’ve ever seen.
Good News, Bad News on ATF Director Dettelbach

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
The bad news is President-elect Donald Trump, will be denied the pleasure of firing the most political ATF director we’ve ever seen.
The country needs someone at the ATF helm who will lead the agency, not weaponize it; someone who not only can define what an ‘assault weapon’ is, but also understands what it is not.
After reviewing years of ATF cases, Dettelbach will go down in history as the ATF Director with the most legal defeats.
Rep. Thomas Masse (R-KY) confronted Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Director Steve Dettelbach over the government agency asking federal firearms licensees (FFL) in border states to report cash transactions.
The hearing, which was held in the Rayburn House Office Building and was called “Oversight of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives,” lasted more than three hours.
Rep. Jim Jordan confronts ATF Director Dettelbach about the night time raid that led to Bryan Malinowski’s death, raising questions about transparency and accountability in law enforcement.
It turns out Joe Biden’s second choice to lead the ATF, Steve Dettelbach, wasn’t lying when he told his Senate confirmation committee that he wasn’t a firearms expert.
ATF Director Steven Dettelbach showed his true stripes, and calls for Universal Background Checks (aka gun owner registration) and semi-auto firearms bans.
ATF’s flip-flopping on rules & Dettelbach’s inability to answer questions about the rule change’s impact on millions of Americans is a serious issue for American gun owners, whose only crime was following those same rules.
In a heated exchange, Congressman Gaetz questioned ATF Director Dettelbach about the agency’s loss of firearms & non-compliance with regulations.
The Director of the ATF, Steve Dettelbach, could not define the term “assault weapon” during a budget hearing before a House Appropriations subcommittee.
Steven Dettelbach–who aggressively promoted “universal background checks” and “assault weapon” bans–will serve as the first permanent ATF director.
Anti-gun groups celebrated the confirmation of Dettelbach. Brady & released statements of support. Disturbingly for gun owners, Dettelbach believes in gun registration.