the newly redesigned website has comprehensive educational materials and practical resources for gun owners on how to securely store firearms when not in use to prevent firearm accidents, suicides and thefts.
Connie Wray lost her 25-year-old step-daughter to suicide in 2018, now works in Suicide Prevention Advocacy and recently partnered with Walk The Talk America.
In fact, if you listen to what he really said, his advocacy was insightful, rational, humane, and respectful of rights.
These are, after all, politically-motivated, slickly produced advertisements, as much as the illusionists behind them want us to believe they are “public service announcements.”
A study published in the Annals of Epidemiology finds Universal Background Checks and adding an entire new class of prohibited possessors has no effect on firearms or total suicides or homicides.
A mother, at the end of a divorce, kills herself and her three children. She demonstrates why it is a bad idea to make important decisions in times of great emotion and stress.
An article from Virginia illustrates the illogic of those who wish for a disarmed society.
This is really just another opportunity for the antis to further blame guns for social ills …
No one making such demands will (publicly) consider the possibility of “If it takes one life.”
There have been a number of recent opinion articles that attempted to create a linkage between firearms in society and the rate of suicides in society.
The article is garbage and unworthy of a publication that includes the word “Scientific” (or “American”) in its title.
Not that Bonta’s bill has a chance of accomplishing stated goals. Of course it does not, and it goes far beyond just affecting the person who self-reports.
As shown in the image above, many countries with extreme gun control have higher suicide rates than the United States.
Natural human sympathy evoked by tragedies is not a pass for allowing grieving survivors to restrict the rights of others.
Of all U.S. firearms-related deaths in 2015, almost two-thirds were suicide deaths, according to the 2015 Fatal Injury Report, CDC.
As the number of guns per capita in the United States has increased, the fraction of suicides committed with guns has decreased.
Guns are also used by seniors (as they are by all of us) to save lives.
If it was legal for any citizen in any state to walk into a pharmacy and buy a package of suicide pills, this item could be a big hit…
There is a much warmer place in hell for a person who forcibly holds his baby down, puts a gun to the face of that child and pulls the trigger…
That certainly doesn’t sound like anything “background checks” or a “high capacity magazine” ban would have any impact on. It sounds like they just don’t want anyone to have a gun.
Rest easy, our great friend and entertainer Robin Williams, You have left us with one great lasting final farewell message, our rights remain unblemished by your passage…