It is not that hard to pull a bullet and it might save you a lot of grief. Here is a run down if common bullet pulling tools used by reloaders and shooters…
Bullet Puller

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
It is not that hard to pull a bullet and it might save you a lot of grief. Here is a run down if common bullet pulling tools used by reloaders and shooters…
Know what you are getting into and there is nothing at all wrong with experiencing the wonders and joys of finding and shooting surplus ammo.
Have you ever wondered if you are swaging or chamfering enough to fully remove a military primer crimp? Wondered if a primer pocket was too loose to hold a primer properly? Wonder no more…
The UN’s long-standing antipathy toward private firearms ownership demands that the language of the treaty must be viewed through the prism of hostility…
One definite upside to buying bulk ammunition is the price. Ammo bought in bulk is about 50% the cost of regular store bought fodder depending on caliber and location and opportunity.
Ballistic Solutions, Inc is having a special offering for 50 caliber re-loaders and is offering smokeless powder in bulk pallets..
Surplus Ammunition prices have dropped slightly but I don’t expect the market to ever return to the days when surplus ammo was cheap..
The CMP is now sold out of M1 carbines except for the few we will still be selling on our auction program. At this time, we have no reason to expect to receive more…
An inside look at how an online ammo retailer,, successfully navigated the largest ammunition shortage and recession in recent history…
The new partnership will produce premium match centerfire cartridges for pistols, rifles and subguns in a variety of bullets and velocity configurations…
30-06 Belted Ammunition Availability and Others – An Update from the Civilian Marksmanship Program CAMP PERRY, OHIO – -( AmmoLand readers here is an update on 30-06 ammunition availability from the Civilian Marksmanship Program. AP .30-06 M2 BALL: The .30-06 AP ammo that we now have available includes headstamps: AYR, SL, TW, and LC. Dates […]
DoD simply didn’t make the effort to inform installation commanders that Congress had prohibited destruction of brass…
NRA-ILA again contacted Senators Baucus and Tester to request that they investigate the current disposition of surplus small arms cartridge cases…
ATK is a leader in the reloading market. The dated brochure and presentation have caused confusion in the marketplace and do not reflect the views of our company and will be immediately withdrawn…
An end-run is being done around the rescinding order through quiet and sweetheart side deals with installation commanders that is being aggressively promoted by ATK…
This is just a highlight of the bulk ammo deals we have going on this week, and this special pricing will last until Saturday, March 13, 2010…
When the 380 caliber ammo is hard to come by we are pleased to announce the following ammo is in stock…
Our most recent purchase of .30-06 HXP ammunition began arriving on Feb 17, 2010…
AIMSurplus Launches New Website New Technology Equals Lower Ammunition Prices
National Ammo Day is November 19 2009
6 Killed In Blast at Prvi Partizan Ammunition Factory
U.S. Arms Dealer Guilty of Illegally Supplying Chinese-Made Surplus Ammunition
Cheaper Than Dirt CEO Michael Tenny Comments on Ammunition Shortage
CNN’s Lou Dobs On the Continuing Ammo Shortage
Extreme Shock Ammunition’s ‘Green’ 223 55 CT-2
The Great Ammunition Shortage of 2009: Part Deuce
The Great Ammunition Shortage of 2009
Barnes Banded Solid and Triple-Shock X-Bullets Round-out Federal Premium Cape-Shok Ammunition Line
Federal Introduces Affordable Ammo for M1A, M1 Garand and .338 Federal Shooters