Once again we see California continue to march steadily forward towards more gun control. It almost seems that the state is enacting new laws for the sake of enacting new laws.
Last week, a federal Judge for the District of Nevada issued an order dismissing a class action lawsuit against Slide Fire Solutions, makers of the notorious bump-fire stock.
I’m your host Adam Kraut and today we’re talking about a Pennsylvania Township’s attack on a gun range that’s been there for over 50 years.
Yes, California has a large number of anti-gun laws already on the books. But apparently, at least according to their politicians, those are not enough. So here are eight more!
Welcome back to The Legal Brief, the show where we CRUSH the various legal myths on various areas of the gun world. Today we’re talking about the hated Sporting Purposes Exemption.
I’m your host Adam Kraut and today we’re talking about what happens to those NFA firearms after you die.
Today we’re talking about the one law you NEED to know about that shields manufacturers from being sued for the criminal acts of people.
Today we are talking about how gunsmiths might not have to pay huge unnecessary fees under ITAR to the government.
Today we are going to walk you through, step by step, and show you guys how to fill out ATF Form 4 to transfer an NFA firearm…
Today we are going to walk you through, step by step, and show you guys how to fill out a Form 1 to make your own NFA firearm.
The Violence Policy Center released a study unsurprisingly entitled “ Silencers A Threat to Public Safety ”. How dumb is this fairy tail of gun control lies?
House Bill 3458, the MICRO Act. I think it’s fairly evident that someone who knows nothing about guns drafted this ignorant piece of legislation.
The SHARE Act is omnibus bill is a bill that we as gun owners need to push for. Sitting on the sidelines is not an option.
These bills only serve to punish law abiding citizens who comply with the law. Couple that with the poor wording and the lack of understanding and you get the perfect storm…
A person can filed a petition that you recently acquired a firearm and you’d be at risk of having one of these petitions granted against you and losing your guns.
Today we’re covering a gun topic that was widely requested, you guys REALLY wanted to hear about this one. Curios and Relics.
Today we are talking about the epic ruling from the DC Circuit Court of Appeals tossing the “good reason” requirement for a carry permit in the trash.
If you’re tired of ridiculous wait times at ATF, you need to share this video and let people know this is changing.
The order almost immediately begins by acknowledging the complexity of California’s gun laws finding “the State has enacted, over the span of two decades…
Self defense insurance is a topic that has come to the forefront of discussion amongst firearms owners in recent years.
The law states that it is unlawful for an alien who has been admitted to the United States under a nonimmigrant visa to possess firearms…
Yes, you heard me correctly, Vepr rifles are now banned from importation. There is a bit of a complex story so bear with me.
Today we are answering the question, can you ship a gun to yourself and talking about the right way to ship a gun…
Unless the Federal Government changes the law relating to marijuana’s legality anyone who uses marijuana cannot possess firearms and ammunition…
Today we are talking about carrying firearms on postal property. And no, we are not discussing shipping firearms through the mail…
Tennessee’s Governor signed a bill into law decriminalizing the manufacture and possession of silencers in the state.
Today we are talking about the different types of FFLs that one could have, that nine to be exact…
Remember when ATF proclaimed that if you shouldered an AR pistol with a brace attached you had created an illegal SBR…
In this episode, we are going to discuss who needs Federal Firearms Licensee. And this episode is not covering Curio and Relic licenses…
Today we are talking about a much asked about topic the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act or LEOSA which is the way cops can carry in different states.