A story published Tuesday indicates that the Trace may have found a new data source – the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, or CDC.
The Trace
The Trace Series Ends as it Began, More BS “Journalism”
If you feel that the mere mention of guns in a podcast about guns by an outlet that purports to report on guns requires a special warning, maybe you are not the neutral “journalist” you think you are.
Still No TRACE of the Truth
Anti-gun extremists, like those at The Trace, just cannot seem to comprehend the idea of firearms being used as a crime deterrent unless someone gets shot.
Not a Trace of Truth from Fake News Outlet, The Trace
The Trace, a Michael Bloomberg-funded propaganda mill that masquerades as a “media” outlet, has been churning out lies about the Second Amendment and gun laws for nearly a decade.
The ‘Most Memorable Gun Violence Journalism of 2023,’ According to the Trace
The Trace, the propaganda arm of former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg’s antigun empire, recently published their picks for “The Most Memorable Gun Violence Journalism of 2023.”
Media Rip Gun Owner Privacy for ‘Hampering Gun Violence Studies’
The article acknowledges “Only a small fraction of guns sold in this country are ever used in a homicide or suicide.”
Philadelphia’s Emphasis on ‘Gun Laws’ Guarantees Violence Will Continue
What they’re really trying to make us believe is that owning a gun is a big front-end part of the problem.
Bloomberg’s Child Propagandists Discover Amicus Briefs & Other Cool Legal Stuff
I’m guessing the woke-kids working at anti-gun site, The Trace, don’t get out much. They don’t seem to have a lot of life experience.
New Gun Control Group, Denver Accord, Has Unsurprising ‘Trace’
What a load of tired and long disproven talking points.
Gun Control’s Racist Roots Exposed in Supreme Court Brief
The brief includes accounts of people whose lives have been turned upside down because of heavy-handed and narrow-minded enforcement of the state’s gun laws.
There’s a Term for Paying People Not to Victimize Others
Pair budding criminals up with experienced ones. And add money into the equation. What could go wrong?
Bias Exposed: Media Asks Gun-Control Groups How They Should Report Mass Shootings!?
I find it inconceivable that any journalism organization – especially CJR – would convene a panel discussion that mixes media & activists of any kind, & then allow the activists to dictate coverage.
Milwaukee Brewery Killings Highlight How Suppressed Information Enables Infringement
Questions about what kind of causes and candidates a killer identified with are unquestionably relevant…
‘Unique Tool’ for ‘Gun Suicides’ Offers False Hope, Invites Tragedy
This is really just another opportunity for the antis to further blame guns for social ills …
Bloomberg ‘Reporter’s’ Affinity for Citizen Disarmament Seems Personal
Chances are her father having been an underworld killer with multiple hits under his belt had an influence.
Anti-Gun Publisher The Trace Get Something Right
The CDC nonfatal injury data is completely unreliable – as the CDC itself admits. Noted anti-gun researcher David Hemenway is quoted as saying, “No one should trust the CDC’s nonfatal firearm injury
Adopting Gun-grabber Arguments on ‘Common Use’ Ignores Intent of Second Amendment
The weapons that were in common use at that time were precisely the arms the military had.
What Really Drove the Early ‘90s Crime Wave?
We’re not sure that anyone at The Trace or The Daily Beast actually read the studies cited in the article. A funny thing happens when you read the study, you get your facts right…
Bloomberg-Supported Gun ‘News’ Feeds False Narrative that Heller was Revisionist
[T]he manufactured individual vs. collective “controversy” actually did not arise until the gun ban lobby invented their argument…
Is “Murder Inequality” Really A Thing? If It Is, Is It Your Fault?
Murder inequality.. What an interesting turn of a phrase. Use of the word “inequality” is usually reserved for matters in which some group is not getting their “fair share”…
Who Wrote This Anyway? When I Finished The Article, I Was Shocked
Forget the fact the writer left out the horrendous murder scorecard in “The Windy City of Murder,” more glaring to me was the source of the column…
Leftist Media’s Pot Calls Out NRA’s Kettle
For a fake-news-spewing sock puppet like The Trace to represent itself as a watchdog against such misinformation is laughable.
“Safe Storage” Media Blitz Ignores Historic Trend of Firearm Safety
Close watchers of the gun control debate also cannot help but notice how multiple media outlets tend to push similar gun control storylines at the same, or nearly the same, time.
Debunking Suicide “Research” by Hack Public Health Activists
This hack job should be expected, as The Trace is a news organization funded by the gun banners at Everytown for Gun Safety & the Joyce Foundation…
Real Public Health Gun Experts Debunk ‘The Trace’
A rabidly anti-gun website is helpfully coaching us on how we can make guns safer for everyone. If you believe that, your probably gonna voter for Hillary too…
More Women are Buying Guns, Who are You Going to Believe …Not THE TRACE
Ordinarily, we do not respond to quasi-journalistic electronic emanations from the wholly owned propaganda megaphone of the Michael Bloomberg called the Trace…
Fake Anti-Gun Newswire ‘The Trace’ & Washington Post Feature Blood Porn
As public opinion & firearm policy have steadily tended toward affirming the Second Amendment, gun prohibitionists have reacted by becoming increasingly frantic…
Mass Shootings Rare, Government Study Says
A new study by the Congressional Research Service, by far the most thorough and comprehensive of its type to date, confirms that mass shootings continue to be rare in the United States.
No Support for Military Right-to-Carry from Obama, Everytown, and Odierno
Support for allowing military personnel to carry firearms for self-protection following the terrorist attack upon military personnel in Chattanooga last week has been strongly declared by several…..
Everytown’s Editorial Arm, “The Trace”, Pushes Propaganda on Self Defense & Firearms
Bloomberg’s “The Trace” reported last week “breaking news” that anti-gun researcher David Hemenway has “debunked” the myth of self defensive gun uses in America.