“When the NYS Police encourage dealers to bypass the law, it’s either entrapment, incompetence, or a hack.” “There’s no good explanation for this kind of sudden, systemic issue.”
As it turns out, those willing to commit violence with firearms don’t pay much attention to flouting the federal government’s paperwork regime.
The most ridiculous thing about all this wasted time, money, ink, and effort is that New York’s dangerous criminals will continue to flout the law.
President Biden and the Department of Justice announced a proposed rule to change who will need a federal firearms license (FFL) to sell firearms.
Biden has not been coy about his ambitions to push existing law as far as possible toward “universal” firearm background checks.
TX: Several young adults filed a lawsuit in federal court challenging the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act that requires enhanced background checks for adults under 21.
Mass shooters typically do not have disqualifying records, and restrictions on private gun sales are rightfully and widely flouted by sovereign American citizens….
The Oakland County, Michigan school shooter, got his guns after his father successfully PASSED a background check, but Senate Democrats won’t let this tragedy go to waste.
That Tester has elected to avoid any such dialog, is not creating any hope that he will actively oppose gun control in the U.S. Senate. Montana deserves better.
Are Republicans really stupid enough to believe they can take the fire out of the bellies of their core constituents and give the Democrats everything they demand?
“we need more background checks to keep people safe.” It always comes from the political left. Why is it that we never hear it
In the United States, we have a long tradition of “innocent until proven guilty,” but the FBI seems to take the opposite approach when it comes to gun purchase rights.
The policy area with the most synergistic message is also the one that represents what we believe is the greatest potential for impact: Expanded Background Checks.
Continued lack of support concerning civil gun rights shall not be tolerated and with nearly 40 years in office, it’s time for Smith to be primaried hard.
Are gun-grabbers just idiots? Or are they trying to create traps for gun owners? Probably a little of both. But bill (H.R. 8) now before Congress would turn all of us into criminals
The purpose of the Biden Administration’s proposed laws is NOT to save lives or keep people safe but to destroy the firearms culture in America & punish those who disagree with them.
California Democrat Mike Thompson’s “Bipartisan Background Checks Act” (H.R. 8) would end the way private sales of firearms are handled in the majority of the country and raise the age to buy a gun…
This problem is just one reason it is so important not to let the anti-gunners or a Biden Administration “close the gun show loophole” by invoking a “universal background check” on used firearms.
The plaintiffs and their lawyer are looking to blame a party with deeper pockets than the dead killer’s “estate”…
They say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and Opposite Day “progressives” are nothing if not unoriginal, continually repeating what doesn’t work.
The new universal background check law effectively raises the minimum age to acquire a handgun from 18 years old to 21 years old and changed the age for gun ownership in Virginia.
It is time for laws requiring Americans to submit personally-identifying information and submit to a full background check every time they go to the abortion clinic or the polls.
Effective July 1, 2020, Virginia will generally prohibit any person from selling a firearm unless the buyer has undergone a universal background check.
As COVID-19 makes its way across the country, Americans are getting an important lesson in the dangers of Universal Background Checks.
Gun Control? Thailand’s got it all. In other words, “gun control” doesn’t and can’t work, because the bad guys will always find whatever workarounds they want.
If you are represented by Republican Senator Dunnavant or Republican Senator Norment, let them know you are not happy with their vote on for Universal Background Checks.
A study published in the Annals of Epidemiology finds Universal Background Checks and adding an entire new class of prohibited possessors has no effect on firearms or total suicides or homicides.
Imagine being forced to pay fees as high as $50-$100, complete extensive federal paperwork, and obtain government approval before selling or loaning your personally-owned firearms to family?
Gun control laws aren’t about stopping violent criminals, they are about burdening law-abiding gun owners. Few pieces of anti-gun legislation illustrate this fact better than H.R.1705/S.1924
Gun prohibitionists hoping to capitalize on this single exception are overlooking an important new development in the investigation. But facts never matter to the gun control crowd.