Jason Miyares has been Virginia’s Attorney General for three and a half years now, and for gun owners, his time in office has been somewhat disappointing.
Yo! Virginia AG Miyares, It Is Time To Step It Up!

America’s oldest Second Amendment News outlet.
Current news, press and PR on the Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc. (VCDL).
Virginia Citizens Defense League is an all-volunteer, non-partisan grassroots organization dedicated to defending the human rights of all Virginians.
The Right to Keep and Bear Arms is a fundamental human right.
For more information or to join, visit: www.vcdl.org.
Jason Miyares has been Virginia’s Attorney General for three and a half years now, and for gun owners, his time in office has been somewhat disappointing.
Gloucester Attorney Dusewicz, a Republican, pushed forward with the charges, claiming he was keeping guns out of schools. However, a jury saw it differently, taking just an hour to acquit the men.
Do these groups truly care about public safety, or is their agenda primarily about disarming law-abiding citizens? Spoiler alert: they hate your guns more than the safety of your family….
A Temporary Restraining Order has been granted to Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) and Gun Owners Of America (GOA) in our lawsuit against BATFE’s new “engaged in the business” rule!
The Virginia Attorney General has just set the record straight: there is NO requirement to show previous in-person training when renewing a CHP.
Gun-control took it on the chin as VA Governor Youngkin stood shoulder-to-shoulder with Virginia’s lawful gun-owners!
Take action: You have the power to stop this insanity & send a strong message to the Democrats: punish violent criminals & leave the rights of law-abiding citizens alone.
Democrats continue their rampage against Virginia’s gun owners & the 2nd amendment. While Republicans continue to fight for us. Votes in committee and subcommittee were all along party lines.
So does being submerged in water causes trouble with the action of most semi-automatic handguns and rifles?
Why is Virginia’s reportedly ‘pro-freedom’ Attorney General, Jason Miyares, fighting so hard to protect Universal Background Checks?
To use Lori Haas’ own words, that is disqualifying. Plain and simple.
The real treachery here is by Dominion Energy for providing money used to put out phony “pro-gun” ads aimed at suppressing the vote of gun owners for Glen Youngkin.
Our guest today is Tara Craft. Tara is a firearms instructor, blogger, and Second Amendment advocate who shares her experiences as a female gun owner on various social media platforms.
Sneaking a deletion into the release and not telling anyone shows they know they have crossed a legal line…
Lobby Day is on track for this Monday, January 18. Lobby Day in 2021 is like all our other previous Lobby Days – we are peacefully lobbying to protect our rights, we are not protesting anything.
The intent of the signs posted by the city of Richmond, VA is to purposely mislead gun owners so they don’t lawfully carry legal weapons in that area.
What Happened To All the Ammo? A perfect storm has basically made cheap ammunition as scarce as hen’s teeth…
Paul Moog founded the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) as the Northern Virginia Citizens Defense League (NVCDL) in 1994.
Senator Mark Warner and Senator Tim Kaine have decided to stab not only Virginia gun owners in the back, but all of America’s lawful gun owners with a new unconstitutional gun control bill.
Southampton County was a late adopter of their Second Amendment Sanctuary resolution and had the foreknowledge that localities might be able to pass their own local gun-control.
As of July 1st, 2020, Virginia cities, counties, and towns can strip you of your rights by passing local gun control. It has already happened in the cities of Alexandria & Richmond, emboldening others
The new universal background check law effectively raises the minimum age to acquire a handgun from 18 years old to 21 years old and changed the age for gun ownership in Virginia.
The City of Alexandria is moving forward with public comment and a vote on a proposed ordinance to ban guns completely in government buildings, parks…
Unfortunately, all of the Democrat candidates and about 40% of the Republican candidates have NOT answered the VCDL Federal Candidate Survey.
This Bowling Pin match is going to benefit the Virginia Citizens Defense League in the fight for our right to keep and bear arms.
Effective July 1, 2020, Virginia will generally prohibit any person from selling a firearm unless the buyer has undergone a universal background check.
If leasing an apartment, some thoughts on what to do and not to do if you have firearms.
The outdoor shooting ranges in Virginia National Forests are now open again! But there are two caveats…
We need to flood a public comment page with support for a proposed Corps of Engineers (COE) regulation change that will allow carry on COE land.
No matter what others tell you, and always without addressing my challenge, the issues of guns and immigration are inextricably intertwined.