Aero Precision has filed a lawsuit against Gov. Inslee’s overreaching gun ban, & seeks a permanent injunction based on the unconstitutionality of this law.
Hey Seattle! Don’t Scapegoat Guns For Your Failed Leadership, Policies
This terrible incident happened in the same city that adopted a gun & ammunition tax that was supposed to fund programs to prevent such crimes. Obviously, that failed.
Elections Matter: How CA Rifle Case Win Could Have Huge Ripple Effect
When a three-judge panel struck down California’s law prohibiting sales of semiautomatic rifles to young adults, it underscored the importance of who occupies the oval office.
Poll: 83% Say Violent Crime will be Important Issue in Elections
A formidable 83 percent of likely voters believe the issue of violent crime “will be important in this year’s congressional elections,” according to a new Rasmussen survey.
State Preemption Under Attack in WA as Report Shows Gun Law Failure
According to CCRKBA Chairman Alan Gottlieb, the report provides ample evidence that gun control laws adopted over the past eight years have been disastrous failures.
WA: Knife Rights’ Switchblade Ban Repeal Bill Needs Your Help ~ EMAIL TODAY
Washington residents, please email committee members to vote YES on HB 1224 to repeal WA’s civilian ban on “spring blade” knives.
WA Anti-Gunners Hit Ground Running with Hearings on 3 Bills, Others Pending
Washington anti-gunners hit the ground running, with hearings on three corrosive gun control measures designed to gut firearms preemption laws.
Washington, Oregon Gun Prohibitionists Busy as 2022 Looms
“Democratic state lawmakers are proposing a fresh round of firearms restrictions as the Washington Legislature prepares to gather in January”–Seattle Times
ATF, NSSF Offer Up to $5K Reward for Auburn WA Firearms Burglary
An unknown male used bolt cutters and a pry bar to break through an outer and inner door at about 4 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 16. The suspect took 15 pistols and fled the scene.
‘Hot Damn, We Win’ Declares WA Activist as Virus Scare Brings New Challenges
“Anyone who is unable to renew his or her carry license should automatically have the expiration date extended.”–Alan Gottlieb, CCRKBA
Washington: Floor Vote Deadline Passes
Unfortunately, a number of bad gun bills did receive a floor vote and were sent back to their original chamber for concurrence before heading to the Governor’s desk for his signature.
ACTION ALERT! WA “Spring Blade” Knife Ban Repeal Hearing
The Washington “Spring Blade” Knife Ban Repeal bill, SB 5782, which passed the Senate 46-1 last week, has been scheduled for a hearing in the House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee on Tuesday…
Washington: Additional Hearing Scheduled on Gun Ban Bills
Washinton State: On Tuesday, January 21st, the House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee will consider several anti-gun bills that would severely restrict the Constitutional Rights of law-abiding…
Rise In Seattle Shootings & Fatalities Obvious Proof Of Gun Control Failure
A stark increase in the number of shootings and gun-related homicides in Seattle during the past year is more evidence of the failure of gun control laws adopted in recent years.
Evergreen State CCW Skyrockets as Gun Prohibition Lobby Demands ‘Safety Training’
Washington State added a whopping 37,884 active concealed pistol licenses in 2019—bringing the total to 646,344 on Dec. 31st, 2019, according to data from the state Department of Licensing.
WA Attorney General Ferguson Announces Sweeping Gun Control Agenda
“Not to be cynical, but given the previous attempts to pile on more gun restrictions, controls and anti-2nd Amendment legislation, we’re fully expecting a new round of handcuffs…”—John McKay, KFLD
Man Shoots Bear who Pursued Him up Tree in Washington
A black bear pursued a man up a tree in Washington State, near Petit lake. The man shot and killed the bear with a Glock 21 in .45 ACP.
Washington: Legislature Adjourns Sine Die, Gun Owner Privacy Protected
The legislature passed and Governor Jay Inslee signed Senate Bill 6025 to ensure that personal information from those who surrendered bump-fire stocks cannot be released to the public.
Despite Self-Congratulations NW Anti-Gunners Haven’t Stopped Violent Crime
As of April 30, nearly 615,000 active concealed pistol licenses were reported by the (Washington) state Department of Licensing.
GOA Files Temporary Restraining Order Against Releasing Washington Gun Owners’ Info
Gun Owners of America, today in conjunction with a Pierce County, WA resident, has sued the State of Washington to prevent the personal information of state gun owners from being exposed.
Why Washington May Become Tougher Nut to Crack for Anti-Gunners
As of April 1, there were 616,529 active CPLs in the Evergreen State…Since January, Washington has added more than 8,000 licenses to the rolls.
Washington: Voter’s Rights Under Fire
Five years ago, Washington was one of the most “gun-friendly” states in the nation. Today they are vying for the title of most gun-restrictive.
Washingtonians Deserve Real Solutions, Not Bans Offering False Promises
Lawmakers in Olympia are convinced they’ve found the solution to solving the crime problem. To reduce crime simply reduce how many rounds of ammunition you can have.
Washington State Governor & Presidential Candidate Threatens Gun Dealers
Washington State Governor and Presidential hopeful Jay Inslee are sending threatening letters to gun dealers across the Evergreen state.
Northwest ‘Resistance’ to Gun Control Gathering Momentum & Money
At their weekend gun show held at the Puyallup, Wash., fairgrounds, members of the Washington Arms Collectors (WAC) contributed to support the federal court challenge to Initiative 1639.
Marxist ‘Gun Controller’ Threatens to Kill as Facebook Continues Double Standards
These are the domestic enemies the Founders warned us against.
Armed Washington State Residents Stops Nail Gun Thieves
An impromptu militia of armed citizens confronted thieves attempting to steal thousands of dollars of tools from the Marysville Coastal Farm & Ranch. The suspects were apprehended.
Washington: Anti-Gun Group Announces 2019 Agenda
On December 5th a gun hate group backed by out-of-state elites, announced it will pursue its most extreme anti-gun legislative agenda to date during the upcoming 2019 Washington Legislative Session.
Bloomberg Supported Initiative 1639 Threatens Second Amendment
The real threat to the Second Amendment posed by I-1639 is not just the provisions, it’s the strategy applied by Bloomberg.
Washington Initiative 1639 Promises To Punish Responsible, Law-Abiding, Citizens
Initiative 1639 promises do three things; punish responsible, law-abiding citizen, fail to change the behavior of rapists, murders, & terrorists, and impose a significant cost upon WA tax-payers.