The Washington State Patrol Troopers Association has announced its opposition to Initiative 1639, standing against the extremist gun control measure. Vote NO on I-1639!
‘Anti-Gunners Get Desperation Dollars To Push I-1639,’ Says CCRKBA
While their extremist gun control campaign is being largely funded by less than a dozen wealthy elitists, proponents of Initiative 1639 are feigning desperation in an effort to raise more small donati
Hard-Hitting Radio Ad Rips Washington State Gun Control Initiative 1639
When boots-on-the-ground lawmen and women oppose a measure that is being promoted as a crime-prevention tool, it is safe to conclude that there is something really wrong with Washington Initiative 163
Washington’s Anti-Gun Initiative 1639: It Could Spread Like A National Cancer
If passed, the initiative 1639 would define every common semi-auto rifle on the map as a “semiautomatic assault rifle” that must be registered and regulated.
WA Law Enforcement Groups Oppose Anti-Rights Ballot Initiative 1639
Not only does the initiative discriminate against gun owners, it classifies common recreational firearms as ‘semiautomatic assault rifles’ and requires gun buyers to surrender their medical privacy.
Washington Law Enforcement Opposes Initiative 1639
The people of WA deserve to know that the sheriffs and police officers throughout the Evergreen State believe that Initiative 1639 is an attack on every law-abiding citizen’s constitutional rights.
NRA Launches Defeat Website
“It’s not enough to exercise your rights – you need to protect them at the ballot box. I encourage Washingtonians who value their Second Amendment rights to visit and find out more.
NRA Wins Lawsuit in Washington State, Prevents I-1639 From Appearing on Ballot
The National Rifle Association is glad to see the court today recognized how negligent, if not worse, gun control advocates were in their signature-gathering for this ill-advised ballot initiative.
Woman Treed by Wolves Waits for Authorities to Allow Rescue
A woman wildlife researcher in Washington State was treed by a wolf pack. Bear spray did not work. A helicopter crew rescued her.
NRA Challenges I-1639 “Bait and Switch”
Proving that money can’t buy everything, Washington State’s most recent anti-gun ballot initiative may end up being derailed over a failure to comply with mandatory legal requirements.
Lawsuit Challenging Validity Of I-1639 Petitions Filed In Thurston County, WA
A lawsuit challenging the validity of anti-gun-rights Initiative 1639 has been filed in Thurston County Superior Court by nationally-recognized Second Amendment advocate Alan Gottlieb.
Gun Groups Challenge WA Ballot Initiative & Seek Invalidation
“When paid signature gatherers told people to ‘read it online,” “It’s not just alarming, it amounts to deception.” “The court needs to step in enforce state law and the state constitution.”
West Coast Plutocrats Target Washington State Gun Owners… Again
This means that gun owners would be forced to repeatedly take firearms training courses in order to remain eligible to purchase any semiautomatic rifle.
Washington: Anti-Gun Bill May be Amended
Any legislation that removes a constitutional right from a segment of law-abiding adults remains an affront to the Second Amendment…
Washington: CPL Permit Confidentiality Bill Introduced
Washington legislators introduced an NRA-backed bill to protect the private, personal information of Washington’s concealed pistol license holders from public records requests.
Washington State: Lieutenant Governor Habib Announces Gun Ban in Senate Galleries
Monday, anti-gun Lieutenant Governor Cyrus Habib issued an order that will ban all firearms from Senate Galleries at the Washington State Capitol when the session convenes.
Planned King County Gun Confiscations Foreshadow Larger, Wider Plans
“Is there any conceivable turn of events in our politics that could make confiscation happen?” he asks. “And what would a mass seizure look like?”
State High Court Ruling On Gun Tax Shows ‘Elections Matter,’ Says SAF
It’s a slap in the face to the WA. Legislature. In 1983, lawmakers adopted the state’s preemption act, which squarely put all firearms regulation under authority of the Legislature..
Firearms Policy Coalition Applauds Tacoma for Stun Gun Ban Repeal
Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) today applauded the unanimous repeal of Tacoma, Washington’s ban on the sale, use, and possession of electronic arms.
Gottlieb Exposes Gun-Grabbers & Seattle’s Gun Tax Fail … Again
Now a year and a half into the Seattle scheme, the numbers just don’t add up, and like most liberal punks, the city doesn’t want anyone seeing the accounting…
State Ballot Measures Temper Trump Victory for Gun Owners
Expect Bloomberg to renew his efforts against the states using a formula he knows he can get to work.
NRA Endorses Marty McClendon for Washington Lieutenant Governor
The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund (NRA-PVF) today announced its endorsement of Marty McClendon for the office of Washington Lieutenant Governor.
Washington: Anti-Gun AG Promises Firearm & Magazine Ban Legislation Next Year
Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced that he will propose legislation to ban the sale of popular semi-automatic rifles & ammunition magazines.
MotoShot Donation to Sheriffs Department
MotoShot Target Systems has donated a MotoShot Elite Training System to support the Washington County Sheriff’s Department Firearms Training Program and SWAT/Tactical Response Unit.
Video of WA Convenience Store Gunfight
In this video of a Washington State gunfight, the store clerk misses and is hit by a shot from the robber
Washington: Anti-Gun Legislation Still Pending Executive Action in House Committee
As previously reported, four anti-gun bills were heard in the Washington state House Judiciary Committee and could be voted on at any time.
WA Governor Labels a Hundred Thousand Law-Abiding Constituents a “Destructive Force”
In a recent email to Washington voters, Governor Jay Inslee (D) called for more misguided gun control legislation & called NRA members a “destructive force”…
Goldilocks Ruling in Washington Supreme Court on Knives as Arms
Washington State Supreme Court rules that a fixed blade knife is a “kitchen implement” not an arm protected by the Second Amendment. There is a vigorous dissent.
Senseless Seattle Illegally Taxes Gun Owners
Seattle, Wa. passed an ordinance that imposes a $25 tax on every gun sold in the city, & 5 cents on each round of ammunition. Not only is the law senseless, it’s patently illegal…
State Fair Bans Guns; State Fair Workers Robbed at Gun Point
Washington State Fair bans guns and and all weapons. Multiple State Fair workers were robbed at gun point after leaving the fair.